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How To: Preserve Your Battery in Cold Weather

How To: Preserve Your Battery in Cold Weather

The sudden drop in temperature can make humans feel a little sluggish, but the same can happen to your car. Here’s how you can keep your battery warm.

In the colder weather, your car battery has to work harder, but the chill also impacts the chemical processes that make and store power, impacting the amount of charge that your battery can hold. The result can be a juddery start to the day – for the car, and for you.

Park in shelter

The best way to keep your battery warm enough to function properly is to park it somewhere sheltered. If you are lucky to have a garage, and it is not full of paraphernalia, use it! If you don’t have a garage, try to park your car somewhere as sheltered as possible.

Drive regularly

Driving warms your engine up and gives your battery a chance to get a bit more charge. A 5-minute run will do more harm than good, so make sure that you drive for 30 minutes or more to make sure that your battery has a chance to recharge.

Limit electric usage

One of the problems with winter driving is that we use so much electricity straight away. This means that the battery is depleted and, on shorter journeys, doesn’t have time to recharge. On a typical cold, dark winter morning or evening, we will switch on engine, lights and heating as a minimum – possibly with windscreen wipers and radio thrown in for good measure. By waiting a couple of minutes after you have turned the engine on before you start using the electrics, you are giving your battery a better chance of coping with the conditions.

Be aware of when you need a replacement

There is no hard and fast rule for when you should replace your car battery, but an average battery lasts 3-5 years. If you know that your battery is more than a couple of years old, you may want to get it checked by your local garage. If you are approaching the 5-year mark, it is definitely a good idea to get it checked sooner rather than later.

Wrap your battery

If you live in a particularly cold spot, you could protect your battery with thermal wrap. An alternative is to use a cover on your car; this will help to prevent the pain of defrosting windows, which will save you time and precious electricity.

Charge your battery

If you have a garage or driveway, you can recharge your battery using a portable charger.

Driving in the winter is not without challenges. If you are expecting extreme conditions, book an appointment with your local garage to make sure that your vehicle is winter-ready.

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