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Vehicle Security Part One: The Basics

Vehicle Security Part One: The Basics

Vehicle crime affects us all, not just the vehicle owner. Whilst it is, of course, worst for an owner who has their car stolen or broken into, the rise in car crime means that everyone’s insurance premiums will rise, too. There are some things that you can do to help prevent car crime. In this series we look at simple actions that can deter would-be thieves, before taking a closer look at additional security devices and interventions that will help to keep your vehicle safe.

Lock up

First and foremost is the most obvious security measure: lock your doors. Whether you are popping in to pay at the garage, parked on your drive, dropping the kids at school, or dashing to post a letter, locking your car makes it an unattractive option to an opportunist. Opportunists will use tell-tale signs to see if your vehicle is locked, including checking more modern cars for wing mirrors that haven’t folded in. There is another reason to lock your car; if it is left unlocked, your insurance company may refuse to pay out. If your vehicle is properly locked and a determined thief still gets into it, then you are more likely to get the pay out you deserve.

Stash your keys

The days of thieves being able to hotwire a care are pretty much behind us; modern technology has made it much harder for cars to be stolen unless, of course, they can access your key. Keep your keys in a safe place even when you are at home; a thief that really wants your car can steal the key from your home and clone it.

Be aware of where you park

Broadly, there are two types of car thief: the opportunist and the planner. If you have a high value vehicle, then it may well be targeted. More often than not, thieves will hit the easy wins, such as unlocked vehicles, or ones that are easily accessible. You can deter thieves by thinking about where you park. If you have a driveway or garage, then park in it when you can as that will make your car far less vulnerable. Try to avoid parking in rural areas, and if you leave your car in a car park or on the road overnight, try to park it under a streetlight to deter thieves from taking advantage of darkness to break into or steal your vehicle.

Check you’re locked

One way that thieves can get into a vehicle is by jamming the signal from your key to your car, so you think that it is locked, but it isn’t. When you lock up, be conscious of the usual signs that it has locked: a beep, flashing lights or moving wing mirrors and if you don’t notice them, check again.

Often, simple behavioural changes can help protect your vehicle from thieves. If you want more security measures, or to find a reliable local garage, follow Trust A Garage on Twitter or Facebook.


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