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The Top Ten: Ways To Make Your Car Greener Part Two

The Top Ten: Ways To Make Your Car Greener Part Two

Everyone is trying to do their bit to slow down climate change and protect the environment. It’s true that we can’t do it all, but we can do our best; and a million small changes can make a big difference. Last week, we looked at five ways to reduce the emissions of your vehicle, from cleaning the engine to changing the air filter. Here are the next five things that you can do to preserve the environment.

Switch off the air con

Many of us are used to driving along with the temperature just right; we can even adjust the temperature in different parts of the vehicle. This is a luxury that we have got used to, but it comes with a price. Using your air conditioning means that your engine has to work harder, using more fuel and resulting in higher emissions. However, driving with your windows down uses even more energy as it causes drag. A good compromise (other than boiling or freezing in your vehicle) is to avoid having the air con on full blast and switch it off a few miles before you reach your destination.

Be a gentle driver

The gentler you drive, the gentler you are on the environment. Small changes to the way that you drive can have a big impact on your emissions. Keep an eye on your revs and don’t let them get too high; change gear earlier and accelerate slowly. If you anticipate needing to stop for traffic control, a turning or congestion, take your foot off the accelerator and slow down naturally before applying the brake.

Switch off your engine

If you are likely to be stationary for more than ten seconds, get into the habit of switching off your engine. Whether you are dropping a child at school, stuck in traffic, or waiting for traffic lights, your car still produces noxious emissions whether you are moving or not. If you are likely to be idling for less than ten seconds, don’t switch your engine off, as it takes more energy to restart the engine than you will save in that ten seconds. This is an easy habit to get into and can significantly reduce your emissions.

Unload your vehicle

Roof racks and boxes are undoubtedly efficient, but they add to your vehicle’s drag, reducing your efficiency and increasing fuel consumption and emissions. If you’re not off on holiday and you don’t need your roof box, remove it and store it until you need it – it’ll extend the life of your roof box, too.


Popping to the shops? Nipping somewhere within a mile or two from home? The best way you can reduce emissions and your fuel bill is to think before you drive. If you can walk, catch a bus or even lift share, you can dramatically reduce your impact on the environment. By walking, you’ll save money and get fit, too.

By keeping your vehicle in good condition, you can help to reduce your emissions. Make sure you get your vehicle serviced regularly by a trusted local garage. For more advice and tips, follow Trust A Garage on Twitter or Facebook.

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